What have they done to Boris Johnson’s hair? He has been subjected to a brutal back to school haircut that is, frankly, long overdue. It had its first outing in the Commons chamber today.
Previously, Boris has reportedly spent just £9 at the barbers. This time he’s had his money’s worth.
It may also be an indication he’s up to something designed to assert his power. A reshuffle perhaps? When he appeared on the Andrew Marr Show back in December 2018 to claim “personal responsibility” for Brexit, Boris sported a new hairstyle that commentators playfully suggested could be a harbinger of a leadership challenge.
Earlier this year, Boris unveiled an unconvincing trim to coincide with the reopening of hairdressers from lockdown. He had faced criticism, being accused of looking shabby during his homage to Prince Phillip.
This time his hairdresser has really gone for it. Much smarter.
The motivation is likely to be found in focus groups. Boris is obsessed with what voters are saying and when they’re saying he looks terrible then action is required, even from Britain’s scuffiest man. Even his fans could not fail to spot that on a recent trip out mid-Afghan crisis, he sported unkempt hair that was worse than ever. He looked like a shellshocked Michael Heseltine after an accident with a lawnmower.
No, more. Boris has a new haircut. And next, a new cabinet?