One has to feel a certain sympathy for Owen Jones. The Guardian columnist was an early backer of Jeremy Corbyn. Jones is a skilled Socialist polemicist and one of the most fluent media performers around, but his man Corbyn has turned out to be a complete dud, the worst Labour leader in eighty years, a Tory dream, a tiresome twit and an electoral calamity in-waiting. A poll by Survation which proves it is still being shared several days after it was published because the numbers are off the scale bad for Labour.
Realising what is happening, Jones tries on social media to explain politely to Corbynites that all is not well. He might as well talk to a brick wall for all the good it is doing. The comrades are not listening because Corbynism is a cult, formed of people who see “Jeremy” as the messiah. They are incapable of seeing the obvious truth, made clear in election after election since the late 1970s. England, which makes up the bulk of the UK electoral map, is just not that left-wing. It is certainly not in the market for a Socialist revolution and short of a zombie apocalypse it will not be. It is not – not – overwhelmingly Tory either, although in large parts of it outside London Conservative attitudes do predominate. As Tony Blair grasped in the early-1990s, his original insight being correct, only by accepting and embracing the market economy, aspiration, robust attitudes to crime and patriotism, can Labour hope to win. It’s just the way the country is.
This is not accepted by the Corbynistas who think that without the media, and pollsters supposedly in league with zionists, the voters of England would flock to Corbyn. If you want evidence of how far gone these cultists are consider the reaction to that poll published a few days a week. They stuck their fingers in their ears, again.
Polling Digest declared that it was the worst poll they had seen, for anyone. And these people have seen the research on the Liberal Democrats 2010-2015.
Opinion pollsters have been under fire, but that criticism centres on the closely fought contests which are hard to poll or at least hard to get bang on. In the case of Corbyn the gulf with Theresa May is so vast that a few points here or there makes no difference.
Polling digest have the full numbers up here.
They draw five key conclusions:
- Jeremy Corbyn is unlikely to bring in sufficient numbers of previous non-voters.
- Theresa May is 64 points more popular than Jeremy Corbyn. Yes, you read that correctly.
- Theresa May is more popular in every age category.
- Jeremy Corbyn is more popular than Theresa May with 2015 Labour voters…just.
- Jeremy Corbyn is less popular in Scotland than in England.
All the claims made by his backers last year have turned out to be nonsense. He hasn’t pulled in non-voters. He’s a loser in Scotland.
If you know a Corbynista do them a favour. Email that Polling Digest piece to them. They need help.