It is time for Nicola Sturgeon to end the pathetic charade and resign as First Minister of Scotland. Any last tinge of doubt about her culpability in the Alex Salmond scandal was removed by David Davis’s exposure, under Parliamentary privilege at Westminster, of key evidence that was denied to the Holyrood inquiry. Sturgeon, as the inquiry will confirm on Tuesday, misled the Holyrood parliament: since Holyrood is the senior representative body north of the Border, to mislead the parliament is to deceive the Scottish people.

Nicola Sturgeon has shown herself unfit to lead Scotland; to present herself for re-election in May would display contempt for the electorate. Her claims to parliament and her evidence to the Holyrood inquiry now hang in tatters, without a shred of credibility. One of the key pieces of evidence cited by David Davis was a message dated 6 February 2018 from Judith Mackinnon, investigating officer in the case, to Barbara Allison, the Scottish government’s “director of people”, saying: “Liz interference, v bad.”