One of the most important factors driving the UK and Northern Ireland towards a deal is the assumption that a negotiated agreement guarantees a domestic political boost in the short and medium term: for the Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, whose personal poll ratings shot up after his rapprochement with Boris Johnson in the Wirral last Friday and will presumably present a new deal as a victory for Irish statecraft; and for the British Prime Minister, who can claim to have “got Brexit done,” and then proceeds to unite the right and recreate the Tory party as a Gaullist party of the nation, Keynesian in its economic outlook, tough on crime and stripped of the individualist ethic introduced to the Conservative tradition by Keith Joseph in the late seventies.
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A Boris Brexit deal will remake British…
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One of the most important factors driving the UK and Northern Ireland towards a deal is the assumption that a negotiated agreement guarantees a domestic political boost in the short and medium term: for the Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, whose personal poll ratings shot up after his rapprochement with Boris Johnson in the Wirral last Friday and will presumably present a new deal as a victory for Irish statecraft; and for the British Prime Minister, who can claim to have “got Brexit done,” and then proceeds to unite the right and recreate the Tory party as a Gaullist party of the nation, Keynesian in its economic outlook, tough on crime and stripped of the individualist ethic introduced to the Conservative tradition by Keith Joseph in the late seventies.