If you haven’t yet seen the Public Sector Pay Gap Momentum video, watch it. It’s an enlightening 72 seconds. The content, unsurprisingly, is economically questionable, half-baked Corbynite drivel – but that’s not the point. It’s beautifully filmed, powerfully performed, and neatly packaged on Twitter as a juicy bite of shareable content, shot through with dark humour. It’s already been liked over 8000 times on Twitter, and re-tweeted a further 8500 times. As a piece of propaganda, which is exactly what it is intended to be, it would turn the world’s best advertising agencies green with envy.
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Corbyn’s new kind of politics is here – and…
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If you haven’t yet seen the Public Sector Pay Gap Momentum video, watch it. It’s an enlightening 72 seconds. The content, unsurprisingly, is economically questionable, half-baked Corbynite drivel – but that’s not the point. It’s beautifully filmed, powerfully performed, and neatly packaged on Twitter as a juicy bite of shareable content, shot through with dark humour. It’s already been liked over 8000 times on Twitter, and re-tweeted a further 8500 times. As a piece of propaganda, which is exactly what it is intended to be, it would turn the world’s best advertising agencies green with envy.