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"Trudeau bulliet by Trump"?

That's an odd headline. Did the Democrats ask you to write it?

How about "Autocratic dictator - who misused terror legislation to shut the bank accounts of vulnerable grandparents who donated $50 to a peaceful protest organisation - finally goes"?

Note below what Ella Whelan wrote in the Telegraph a couple of years ago. Trudeau presided over this, and then ran off and hid rather than answer his critics:

“Deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland smiled and chuckled as she told reporters that the law change allowed banks to freeze the accounts of protesters without any need for a court order, adding that vehicle insurance for anyone involved in the convoy could also be suspended. The interim police chief in Ottawa told a press conference last night that the police were working with social services to “remove” children from the area – as many of the truckers are accompanied by their families (pictures of trucker-installed bouncy castles and play areas were circulating over the weekend).

In short, the Canadian government has granted itself the power to strip citizens of their money, their transport and their kids. Several organisers have been arrested, despite the fact that bar a few fringe incidents, the vast majority of the thousands-strong convoy has maintained a peaceful (if disruptive) approach to getting their voices heard.

Just imagine the uproar that would ensue if Trump had taken children from Black Lives Matters protesters who took to the streets after the murder of George Floyd, or Boris Johnson had used the banks to starve out the costumed climate-change obsessives who took over Trafalgar Square before the pandemic”.


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