Holyrood has finally opened the door for Alex Salmond to present his bombshell evidence in a hearing next Wednesday. It’s a door through which many believe Salmond could walk to blow Nicola Sturgeon’s claims over who knew what and when right out of the water. The stunning about-turn follows the decision today by Ken Mackintosh MSP, head of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) to publish Salmond’s submission which had previously been censored by the Holyrood inquiry. In a letter to Linda Fabiani MSP, the Convener of the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints, Mackintosh wrote that the group had “collectively agreed that on balance it is possible to publish the submission”.
This means that Salmond – who claims the First Minister has misled parliament over the inquiry into the background of the sexual harassment case against him – can now testify under oath before the committee next week. Sturgeon is due to appear the following the week.