In a world turned upside down by the coronavirus crisis, the geopolitical landscape is changing. Old certainties that shaped our lives over the last few decades are being tested and transformed.
What kind of world will emerge from the crisis?
To help Reaction readers and listeners make sense of it all, we’re launching a new podcast today – The New World.
It is presented by me – Jack Dickens – and produced by Reaction with Nick Hilton as editor. It’s a series about global politics, exploring the future beyond the coronavirus pandemic.
We will be hosting and promoting the podcast on Reaction and our social media platforms. The New World is also available on Audioboom, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.
You can follow The New World here:
Audioboom and Apple Podcasts:
The initial eight episodes are centred on conversations with leading experts and commentators on global politics, technology, free markets and ideas who get to the heart of how to think about what is coming next.
For the opening opening episode I am joined by Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, an expert in international relations, from the University of Cambridge, and Iain Martin, Editor of Reaction. You can get access to it on Audioboom here and on Spotify here.
Guests on future episodes include Matthew Karnistchnig and Helen Thompson on the future of the European Union; Bruno Maçães on the US-China rivalry and Eurasia; Emma Sky and Robert Fox on state collapse and democracy in the Middle East; Benedict Evans on Big Tech, surveillance states and the social media revolution; and Matthew Goodwin on populism and globalisation after the coronavirus pandemic.
We’re looking forward to bringing you the best commentary on global affairs in bite-sized pieces. Make sure to follow The New World.