Who would have believed it? Not only did Theresa May entertain her fellow guests at the Spectator Parliamentarian of the Year awards dinner last night with another jig to Abba’s Dancing Queen, but the former PM told some rather good jokes. And a rather risqué one at that.

Accepting her award for Backbencher of the Year, May thanked her parliamentary colleagues for helping her become a backbencher again, adding, to much laughter, that “many of you are present.”

She then went on to thank others who have been praising her as the new Mrs Awkward as she hassles the government from the backbenches – her fellow Labour and LibDem MPs. Not so much laughter.

But then came her piece de resistance: a joke about a couple who had multiple partners and who were about to have their first intimate relationship. The woman admits she is a virgin, explaining her former partners were politicians: one Labour, one LibDem and one SNP. 

Listen on for the punchline.