Happy Independence Day! How are you celebrating? Out on the streets or quietly at home? Yes, today, 19 October 2023, is the day former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon set for a Scottish Independence referendum, presumably one she thought she’d win – or at least still be in power to oversee the divisive acrimony that followed. 

But a lot has changed at SNP HQ since 28 June last year when the date was set for a vote that never happened. 

Now, the power couple of Sturgeon and her husband, SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, gone. The former treasurer, gone. SNP leader at Westminster Ian Blackford, gone. On the lower ranks, Margaret Ferrier, disgraced former MP, gone. Lisa Cameron MP, gone. Previous leadership candidates Kate Forbes and Ash Regan, relegated to the sidelines. SNP grandee Fergus Ewing suspended for his insubordination. Patrick Grady MP, accused of sexual harassment is still hanging on in there. Firebrand Mhairi Black MP will not stand at the next election.

Under new leadership, the party is trying to get the show back on the road. At the recent SNP conference in Aberdeen, a new strategy for independence was announced. Previously, Nicola Sturgeon’s plan was to use the next general election as a de facto referendum. Under the new proposal, a majority of votes for the SNP would “provide a mandate” to start negotiations with the sovereign UK Parliament. Labour and the Tories have both said they would say “No chance, you’ve got to be joking,” when presented with such a demand. The new SNP policy has a rather desperate feel about it.

When Nicola Sturgeon picked today today as referendum day, the world looked very different indeed.

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