Jeremy Corbyn has been damned as an electoral liability and a security risk by his own Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth. He is widely seen to be voicing the concerns that many Labour MP’s have about the party’s leadership, despite the fact they are currently working to ensure Corbyn is running the country by the end of the week.

Ashworth was recorded telling a friend that Corbyn was proving to be a massive problem on the doorstep in traditional Labour heartlands. He said: “Outside of the city seats” people “can’t stand Corbyn and they think Labour’s blocked Brexit.” On the prospect of a Labour election win, he added: “I just can’t see it happening.”

Guido Fawkes got the scoop.

Ashworth also suggested Corbyn and his team were a security risk and that the civil service is already primed to intervene to protect the country if he became Prime Minister. “I think the machine will pretty quickly move to safeguard security,” he said. “But it’s not going to happen. I can’t see it happening.”