And here we go again. Another ex-Tory minister having a go at the PM. Priti Patel is the latest to lash out at Liz Truss in her speech at the Tory party conference today, accusing the PM  and her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, of “spending today with no thought of tomorrow.”

Coming out of the woodwork for the first time since returning to the backbenches, Patel’s speech ticked Truss off for her tax cuts at an event hosted by Conservative Voices. What’s more, the former home secretary also warned that the Conservative Party will “live or die” by its economic credibility.

But wait, The Hound was under the impression that the economic credibility of the Tory party was already in tatters. Could it be worse ? According to Patel, yes. 

As the Chancellor scrambles to pick up the pieces, he would no doubt agree with Patel’s message that the party needs to regain its economic credibility. But it could be too little too late.

“The next ten days, of course, is a critical period,” former transport secretary Grant Shapps said. “If (Truss) is going to turn it around, this is the time to do it.”

Whether true or not, there are reports that letters of no confidence have already made their way to Sir Graham Brady. Truss needs to get her act together quick.

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