The art of romance is ingrained in French culture, even in their politique. No couple is more authoritative than that of French President Emmanuel Macron and his beloved wife Brigitte Trogneux – who for those that aren’t aware is 25 years his senior. “Brigitte Macron, the Unfettered Woman” by Gael Tchakaloff, a former close friend of the Macrons, tells the story of how this unexpected relationship bloomed into one of the West’s most influential power couples.

The book’s revelations about France’s First Lady tell a story of struggle, like the moment her sister died in a car accident with her husband and daughter, but also of resilience.

Yet it is the risqué details – which come across like a piece of Colette erotica – that are grabbing people’s attention. Before meeting Macron, who was a drama student of Brigitte’s, she had suggestive relationships with other students, sending written messages via classmates’ pencil cases.

Though the book is about his wife, Macron is not let off the hook when it comes to the raunchy details. In the 90s, Macron penned a salacious novel in tribute to Brigitte. According to the book, their relationship lost Macron some of his closest friends.

“The Macrons keep a very tight rein on their communication,” according to Tchakaloff, who interviewed acquaintances instead. Macron is now embroiled in the West’s response to Afghanistan and is seeking re-election in 2022. But you can’t help but wonder if there are any spare copies of Macron’s literary masterpiece still lying about…