Do you think Sunak knows his Housman? If not, the next election may teach him a thing or two about “those blue remembered hills”.

The Tories have lost their lead in the rural parts of the country, according to a new poll

A new YouGov poll for Times Radio has shown that rural support for the Conservatives and Labour is almost neck and neck at 33 per cent and 31 per cent respectively. This is a huge shift from the 2019 election which saw the Tories muster support from 52 per cent of rural voters. The poll also showed that support for the Tories has dwindled in cities and towns. 

It comes as Sunak is under extreme pressure over the looming mortgage crisis as inflation remains stubbornly high

It has been a busy week of polling – all of which has been absolutely damning for the Tories. 

More in Common poll shared with Politico’s Playbook put Labour up 5 points since May to 47 per cent with the Tories down at 28 per cent. A Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll has Labour at 46 per cent with the Tories down 4 on 26 per cent. 

Just over half of 2019 Tory voters say they would vote the same way were an election held now. And, as The Hound covered earlier in the week, Labour is now regarded as the party of freedom as voters lose faith in the incumbent party. 

But the Tories losing support in their rural base will be particularly concerning at CCHQ. And, if Sunak doesn’t know his Housman, he can thank The Hound later: 

That is the land of lost content,
  I see it shining plain, 
The happy highways where I went  
And cannot come again.

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