It is no secret that celebs have been flouting travel restrictions to fly here, there and everywhere during the pandemic, while the rest of us have been stuck at home. Football’s corporate elite is no exception, and is bending the rules like Beckham.

In response to threats from UEFA to relocate matches overseas, ministers have agreed an exemption for an estimated 2,500 UEFA VIPs, including officials, politicians and sponsors, that will enable them to attend the semi-finals and final without self-isolating for 10 days.

The full list of exemptions include: members of the Executive or board of a member association affiliated to UEFA, a senior representative of a country whose team is competing in the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship – and the most tenuous – a senior executive of an organisation which is a sponsor or partner of the tournament.

Yes, that’s right. Senior executives from Coca-cola, TikTok and Qatar Airways have the freedom to roam around London, while the government continues to advise people from the 13 areas of England where the Delta variant is most prevalent to minimise their domestic travel – let alone holiday abroad.

Jo Stevens, the shadow culture secretary, said: “Football should be for the people. Instead of caving in to pressure from Uefa bigwigs, the Tories should stand up to them, say they’re not welcome and open up their tickets to fans.”

As the Have I got News for You Twitter account put it: “Travel bosses advise anyone wanting to go on a quarantine-free holiday this year to simply get a job at UEFA.”