Wendy Morton, Liz Truss’ chief whip, has made a formal complaint about Gavin Williamson, accusing him of sending threatening messages.

The complaint submitted against Williamson, who has been serving as minister without portfolio since Rishi Sunak became PM, claimed that he had sent “vile and threatening messages” over the span of multiple weeks.

According to a friend of Williamson, he “strongly refutes” the allegation, and is “very happy to share all communications with the former chief whip with CCHQ if needed”.  

One Tory MP told Tortoise that the complaint included screenshots, and that there is “quite a bit of evidence.”

The same MP also said that a number of other MPs would back up Morton’s complaint.

Critics of Sunak have suggested that the appointment of Williamson, who has been sacked from two cabinet jobs, is evidence of poor judgement on the new PM’s part. They may be proved right sooner than expected.