Labour has taken a 36 point lead ahead of the Conservatives, according to the latest poll from Redfield Wilton.

At 56 per cent to the Tories’ 20 per cent, the poll gives Keir Starmer’s party the largest lead of any party recorded by a pollster since 1997.

Labour 56% (+3)
Conservative 20% (-4)
Liberal Democrat 11% (-2)
Green 5% (+2)
Scottish National Party 4% (–)
Reform UK 2% (–)
Other 1% (-2)

The poll comes after the Truss government announced its latest batch of U-turns, as the new chancellor Jeremy Hunt reversed almost all of the tax cuts set out in Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget.

A number of Tory MPs, the first being Crispin Blunt, have called for Truss’ resignation.

“I think the game is up and it’s now a question as to how the succession is managed,” he told Channel 4 on Friday.

The PM appears to be rapidly running out of road.

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