Professor Peter Frankopan, Merryn Somerset Webb and Martin Wolf are among the world-renowned academics, financial experts, business leaders and commentators gathering at the exclusive Price of War conference, co-hosted by the CERGE-EI Foundation and Reaction on 1 December, One Great George Street, London.

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has turned the established global order on its head, and there is an urgent need for a constructive debate about how decision-makers should best navigate this uncertain environment. The Price of War conference will focus on how to understand conflict economics in a volatile world.

An invited audience will hear a series of keynote speeches and expert panels moderated by Reaction’s Maggie Pagano, Iain Martin and distinguished broadcaster Adam Boulton.


09:00 Registration

09:30 Opening Remarks from:

Jan Svejnar, Chair, Executive Supervisory Committee, CERGE-EI | Tony Claudino, President & CEO, CERGE-EI Foundation | Marie Chatardová, Czech Ambassador to the United Kingdom

09:45 Panel 1 – World transformed: the economic impact of war

Moderated by Iain Martin, Reaction and The Times

Professor Peter Frankopan, University of Oxford | Tim Marshall, Journalist and Author | Gerry Baker, Wall Street Journal

10:40 Break

11:00 Panel 2 – Investing in an era of conflict

Moderated by Maggie Pagano, Editor of Reaction

Simon French, Panmure Gordon | Baroness Helena Morrissey, Founder, 30% Club | Merryn Somerset Webb, Bloomberg

12:00 Keynote Address

12:30 Break for lunch

13:45 Panel 3 – Better supply: the wiring of the world economy

Moderated by Adam Boulton, broadcaster

Arthur Snell, Geopolitical Consultant | Sam Olsen, Evenstar | John Atherton, Accenture | Jennifer Powers, Policy Consultant | Steve Guppy, Crown Agents

14:30 Break

14:45 In conversation – Martin Wolf, Financial Times

Interviewed by Adam Boulton

15:15 Break

15:30 Panel 4 – Future-proofing: what’s next in economics?

Moderated by Adam Boulton

Juliet Samuel, The Telegraph | Alan Brown, Artemis | Christian Ochsner, CERGE-EI

16:15 Break

16:30 In conversation – Professor Stephen Kotkin, Princeton University

16:55 Concluding Remarks from:

Tony Claudino, President & CEO, CERGE-EI Foundation | Burkhard Dallosch, Chair, CERGE-EI Foundation | Susan Walton, CERGE-EI Foundation Board Member

17:15 Conference closes