With its quotient of Chanel bags and Zara frocks, arched versus straight eyebrows, Instagram spats, and locker room revelations, the “Wagatha Christie” libel trial in the High Court could be dismissed as a frivolous time waster.

As could its two leading ladies: whether or not Coleen Rooney (wife of Wayne) defamed Rebekah Vardy (wife of Jamie) by accusing her of leaking stories to the press is hardly a life and death matter. Against a backdrop of the war in Ukraine, a cost-of-living crisis at home, lying politicians, and an ailing monarch, the tribulations of two spoilt women are beyond trivial.

The nation may be gripped even as it sneers at these two slugging it out while running up legal bills in the millions. There can be no winners, surely, except the lawyers in a case that reduces both combatants to caricatures of their genre. Why did their other halves let things escalate this far?