Welcome to our weekly What To Watch television and streaming guide. This week features Celebrating Anthony Crickmay: A Life in Photographs, Navalny, Ben Fogle & The Lost City, The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes and more.

Thinking on Sunday: Technology, Climate, Justice and Rights – Can we get the whole world to agree on any of them?

Conway Hall online, Sunday 24 April at 3 pm

A.C. Grayling believes that three of the biggest challenges facing the world today are climate change, the rate of development in high-impact technologies, and the global deficit of social and economic justice. He feels they are connected; the third of these underlie problems in dealing with the first two. Grayling asks: can human beings agree on a set of values that will allow us to confront the threats facing the planet, or will we continue with our disagreements and antipathies as we collectively approach greater problems and instability, and even our possible extinction? Get tickets here.