Celebrated Italian director Paolo Sorrentino’s new movie is about Silvio Berlusconi and Loro translated means Them – the voters, consumers, Italians.

What to make of him? Berlusconi is the megalomaniacal-media-and-football-tycoon-cum-politician-cum-sybarite-of-scandalous-bunga-bunga-parties-and-who-knows-quite-what-else. Sorrentino’s biopic (fiction? flight of fancy? documentary?) doesn’t make it much clearer than that.

This two hour deluge of drugs and nudity focusses on the years between 2006 and 2009 when our bon vivant billionaire is living in a kind of lavish political exile as leader of the opposition (much to his chagrin, he has lost the 2006 parliamentary election by a slim 25,000 votes).