In today’s society, there is an unrelenting quest for the most up-to-date version of tech; if your phone is any more than a “generation” old, in certain quarters, you’ll be marked as either a cheapskate or a geriatric for not updating. Antiquated, decrepit and prehistoric – things that have been in existence for an extended time are regularly so negatively described; often, the piece of kit attracting this sort of criticism may not even be twelve months old!

The most modern concept of “planned obsolescence”, where businesses will build the product to be irreparable after a certain period, appals me; toasters should last more than two years before they break down!

Thankfully in the world of wine, age is often revered, and it is a very regular occurrence for clients. I have to seek my advice about the bottles or cases (usually of Port or Claret) they were given when they were young and have been cradling and nurturing for many years.